per Month
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per Year
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15,000 Points

Render up to 15,000 data points per map. If you need significantly more on a single map, please contact us

20 Users

Each pro subscription comes with 20 user accounts to used within your organization or group. If you need more, please contact us

Lightning Fast

Using the power of Google enterprise, lists will convert to addresses up to 10x faster so there is less waiting.

No Banner Ads

Published widgets/embeds will not have any banner ads.

More Settings

Pro users can save maps as both private and secure.

Large Images

Pro users can save larger images.

Email Support

We respond to all questions within 24 hours. Let us know how we can help or improve.

30 Day No-Risk

Cancel your account and send us a note. We will give a full refund no questions asked.

If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact us